bpost invites its shareholders to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

bpost invites its shareholders to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Press release
​​Brussels, 07:30 am
​Regulated information


The Board of Directors of bpost NV/SA hereby invites the shareholders to the Ordinary General Meeting (the “Meeting”) that will be held on Wednesday 10 May 2023 at 10 AM (Belgian time) at BluePoint Brussels Conference & Business Centre, Bd. A. Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels (Belgium).

The following documents are available on the website of the Company (https://bpostgroup.com/investors/governance/shareholders-meetings): ​

  • convening notice, including the agenda of the Meeting;
  • proxy form;
  • vote by correspondence form;
  • documents made available to shareholders with respect to items on the agenda of the Meeting.

An access map to the Meeting is available on the Company’s website. Persons attending the Meeting are invited to arrive at 9 AM (Belgian time) in order to complete the registration formalities.

Shareholders may also choose to (i) participate remotely by means of an electronic communication tool provided by the Company: the Lumi platform, accessible via www.lumiconnect.com or (ii) vote by correspondence or electronically before the Meeting.

For more information with respect to the organisation of the digital meeting, reference is made to the practical provisions below, the information available on www.lumiconnect.com, as well as to any additional information that the Company may provide in this regard on its website (https://bpostgroup.com/investors/governance/shareholders-meetings).

Shareholders will only be allowed to participate in the Ordinary General Meeting with the number of shares they held on the Registration Datei.e. 26 April 2023 at 24.00 (midnight Belgian time), and for which they have notified their intention to participate in the Ordinary General Meeting, irrespective of the number of shares they hold on the date of the Ordinary General Meeting.

Shareholders should notify their intention to participate in the Ordinary General Meeting no later than 4 May 2023.

Questions relating to this Ordinary General Meeting can be sent to GeneralMeeting@bpost.be.

If and when appropriate, further information will be released to the market as well as on bpost website (https://bpostgroup.com/investors/governance/shareholders-meetings).

Journalists will be informed in due course of possible options to attend the Ordinary General Meeting. Please notify your interest in advance by sending an email to press.relations@bpost.be.

Press Relations
Press Relations MULTI - Boulevard Anspachlaan 1 bus 1, 1000 Brussels




About bpost

About bpostgroup 

bpostgroup is a leading logistics expert, active in Europe, North-America and Asia. Whether it's as a parcel-sized last mile partner with mail products in Belgium and the Netherlands, a specialized operator in the high value logistics markets or through our leading cross-border network: we excel through quality. bpostgroup puts innovation, digitalization, customer centricity upfront in its approach. Headquartered in Belgium and powered by 40.000+ employees worldwide, we connect millions of people and businesses every day.  As a people- and planet-friendly company we create long-term sustainable value for our customers and shareholders. In 2023, bpostgroup generated a total operating income of EUR 4,272.2 million.

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