bpost management and the social partners reach terms on a collective labour agreement for 2023-2024
This agreement is an important step in continuing to assure the future of the company. The new collective labour agreement (CLA) is effective until the end of 2024.
Tuesday 30 May 2023bpost management and the social partners have managed to reach terms on a collective labour agreement in the Joint Committee. This is a positive response to the demands of employees and the challenges facing bpost.
The main goal of the measures provided for in the CLA is to improve the attractiveness of jobs in the field, among other things by strengthening purchasing power. Management also confirms that jobs at the company are protected.
As was the case for previous CLAs, agreements have been reached on the payment of any non-recurring bonus linked to the 2023 and 2024 results. A raft of measures are also provided for to improve employee wellbeing.
Jos Donvil, CEO bpost Belgium says: “The 2023-2024 CLA provides guarantees to both members of staff and the company itself. The wellbeing of our people is at the heart of this agreement. Through this CLA bpost guarantees high-quality employment to all employees, giving special attention to improving their purchasing power, despite the tough financial context. At the same time, the CLA ensures that bpost can remain a healthy company that is able to respond in a flexible way to the expectations of customers and citizens.”